Innovative Methods in Medical Education in Bulgaria: Video Materials and Serious Games




Higher education, medicine, simulation, serious games, video materials


Modern trends in teaching and learning aim to use effective methods by which students better understand the learning material and are more involved in the learning process. These methods should take into account the ability of today's students to work multi-functional and quickly process large amounts of information. The introduction of modern technology in the classroom is the most important change in education now. This article examines ways to provide specialized medical information in an intriguing interactive way, geared towards effective support for medical students. The paper presents new methods included in the training of medical students in Bulgaria: Video algorithms that show didactically in detail the necessary sequence of actions to perform a particular medical manipulation, including everything they need to know and can make the student achieve this skill. In order to better master the series of actions involved in the manipulation and the acquisition of preliminary experience, it is proposed to include simulation games in the medical training. The use of simulation games in medical training helps to improve the skills of future medics and to build self-confident specialists.




How to Cite

Georgieva-Tsaneva, G. N. (2019). Innovative Methods in Medical Education in Bulgaria: Video Materials and Serious Games. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(16), pp. 165–171.



Short Papers