Adaptive Navigation Support: A Literature Review of Its Application and Implication in Learning Process


  • Almed Hamzah Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Kurniawan Dwi Irianto TU Dresden



Adaptive navigation support, learning application and implication, content analysis


The use of technology has been widely used for many people in every aspect of life and become part of daily activities in recent years. One of technology application is in the learning and education process. Adaptive Navigation Support (ANS) is a method and part of a hypermedia study that can boost the performance of students by using the benefit of technology. With ANS, students are able to make the learning process more interesting as the learning material relatively corresponds to their knowledge and preferences. Furthermore, ANS can guide students in finding their paths and ways in hyperspace based on student requirements, goals, and characteristics. Therefore, ANS has caught many researchers attention in their studies to improve student skills and performance in the learning process. Many papers, discussed in ANS, have been published over the last decade, however, no one has studied the ANS in a comprehensive way. This paper is a literature review in ANS and its application as well as its implication in the learning process. There are fourty-nine papers as its source of analysis. Our findings show that the applications of ANS can be classified into four dimensions, such as platform, use case, impact, and process. These classifications are based on the study of ANS applications and implications over the last decade.




How to Cite

Hamzah, A., & Irianto, K. D. (2019). Adaptive Navigation Support: A Literature Review of Its Application and Implication in Learning Process. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(16), pp. 181–187.



Short Papers