Incorporation of Smartphones and Social Media to Promote Mobile Learning in an Indonesian Vocational Higher Education Setting


  • Purnomo Ananto State Polytechnic of Media Kreatif Jakarta
  • Sri Kusuma Ningsih University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA



smartphone, mobile learning, polytechnic, learning motivation, interaction, learning performance


This brief article reports on an exploration of students’ adoption of smartphone technology and social media to promote m-learning in the context of a state polytechnic classroom. To this end, a mixed-methods approach was employed. A quantitative survey involved 221 students across education programmes in an Indonesian vocational higher education, and six of them were asked to write a reflection after a course. Findings of the current study have revealed that students’ attitude and connectedness to the smartphone and social media play prominent roles in determining their acceptance of smartphones and social media for m-learning. Specifically, the students’ connectedness, perceived ease of use and perceived playfulness of using social media for m-learning affected their attitude. Findings of the study also revealed that students’ mobile learning using the smartphone helped develop their learning motivation, facilitated learning activities and enabled interaction amongst the students, and between teachers and students. Students also benefited from the use of the smartphone by which means they could share information and materials about the learning, enabled peer-assessment and feedback. Two critical issues that were found included limited smartphone features and less space for interaction and explanation.




How to Cite

Ananto, P., & Ningsih, S. K. (2020). Incorporation of Smartphones and Social Media to Promote Mobile Learning in an Indonesian Vocational Higher Education Setting. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 14(19), pp. 66–81.


