Determining the Priority of Medical Equipment Maintenance with Analytical Hierarchy Process


  • Alfa Omega Hutagalung Master in Industrial Engineering, Mercu Buana University Jakarta
  • Sawarni Hasibuan Master in Industrial Engineering, Mercu Buana University Jakarta



AHP, Maintenance, Medical Devices, Criterion, Criticality Scores


The best quality of services provided by health care facilities can be realized if medical devices are in a reliable and safe condition. A large number of medical devices and the use of various types of medical devices have been a problem for hospital management to decide the level of priority in carrying out medical equipment maintenance. The purpose of the maintenance is to increase their availability and to reduce maintenance costs. This study aims to show how to determine the priority level of medical device maintenance based on the calculation of the criticality scores of medical devices. The criticality scores are obtained based on the assessment of criteria, sub-criteria, and grade by using the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The devices with higher critical weight take higher priority for maintenance than devices with lower critical weight. The approach was applied for 20 medical devices at the Out Patient Department of Eye Hospital in Jakarta to describe how to prioritize the maintenance of medical devices.




How to Cite

Hutagalung, A. O., & Hasibuan, S. (2019). Determining the Priority of Medical Equipment Maintenance with Analytical Hierarchy Process. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 15(10), pp. 107–120.


