Call for Papers "3rd International Symposium on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation" - REV2006


  • Michael E. Auer International Association of Online Engineering, Vienna, Austria



The general objective of the symposium is to discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of remote engineering and virtual instrumentation. The use of virtual and remote laboratories is one of the future directions for advanced teleworking/e-working environments. Another objective of the symposium is to discuss guidelines for education in university level courses for this topic.

Author Biography

Michael E. Auer, International Association of Online Engineering, Vienna, Austria

Michael E. Auer is Professor of Electrical Engineering of the School of Electronics at Carinthia Tech Institute, Villach, Austria and works as visiting professor at the university of Brasov (Romania). He is member of ACM, IEEE, VDE, IGIP, etc., author or co-author of more than 100 publications and leading member of numerous national and international organizations in the field of e learning. He is founder and chair of the annual International Conference "Interactive Computer aided Learning" (ICL, ) in Villach/Austria, chair of the steering committee of the annual International Symposium "Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation" (REV, ) and member of the Program Committees of several international conferences and workshops. Academic rank: Prof. Dr.-Ing.,




How to Cite

Auer, M. E. (2005). Call for Papers "3rd International Symposium on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation" - REV2006. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 1(2).